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Version: 25.03

Operation View

DT Kit Pictotogram

Digital Twin KIT

Based on the information provided in this kit, it is possible to run and program against an infrastructure of Digital Twins the Catena-X-way. This infrastructure empowers Data Consumers to consume the network's data as agreed with each Data Provider and facilitated by an Operating Company. They run central and decentral services that allow them to discover each other, exchange information and contextualize it according to a standardized semantics.

The APIs for digital twins are based on the specifications of the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) as defined in CX-0002.


Service NameDescriptionReference ImplementationStandardized in
Discovery FinderA microservice resolving a type of specific asset identifiers, e.g. manufacturerPartId or intrinsicId against a set of BPN-, and EDC-Discovery Servers hosted at Catena-X operating companies. These identifiers are often shared across use-cases (see Industry Core) but are not specified by the DT Kit and standards.Tractus-X Discovery FinderCX - 0053
BPN DiscoveryA microservice resolving a particular specific asset identifier (consisting of its type - defined above - and the value for a particular asset) against the registered Business Partner Number of its owner. This is useful in discovery when the location of data on a particular asset is unknown.Tractus-X BPN DiscoveryCX - 0053
EDC DiscoveryA microservice that resolves a BPN against a list of EDC endpoints. It is populated during onboarding and is the last step of the discovery sequence preceeding the DSP-interaction starting with the catalog-request.Tractus-X Portal including EDC Discovery APICX - 0001
Digital Twin RegistryA registry for digital twins. Here, a provider publicises digital representations (digital twins) of the assets the participant has data on. This data is encapsulated in submodels accessible via instructions that a consumer will find in the Digital Twin Registry (DTR). The DTR adheres to the AssetAdministrationShellRegistryServiceSpecification and the DiscoveryServiceSpecification and thus contains only meta-data.Tractus-X Digital Twin RegistryCX - 0002
Submodel ServerThe data source adhering to a subset of the Submodel API as defined in AAS Part-2 3.0. It delivers the actual data that the consumer is looking for via a structured endpoint defined by the SubmodelServiceSpecification and according to the structured data formats defined in the Semantic Models Repository.There are no official reference implementations for the Submodel-API. Implementations of the API exist in frameworks such as FA³ST-Framework, Eclipse Basyx, AASX Server. These implementations are not certified according to the standard nor involved in systematic end-to-end testing.CX - 0002

High Level Architecture of an App leveraging the Digital Twin Kit

Setup Guide

Detailed guidance on setup of the abovementioned components can be found in the repositories of their linked reference implementations.


This work is licensed under the CC-BY-4.0.